Embed Widget
Event (single)
Paste the following code snippet anywhere in the source code of your website (place it where you want it to appear in the content):
<script src="https://app.quickticket.ch/qt-widget.min. "></script>js
<qt-widget event-id="XXXXX"></qt-widget >
Replace XXXXX with the last part of the event link.
Example: Event Link: https://app.quickticket.ch/e/TUQcWcBzOopk0RtevfQM
ID = TUQcWcBzOopk0RtevfQM
And this is what it will look like:
Paste the following code snippet anywhere in the source code of your website (place it where you want it to appear in the content)
<script src="https://app.quickticket.ch/qt-widget.min. js"></script>
<qt-widget organisator-id="XXXXX"></qt-widget>
Replace XXXXX with the last part of your organizer URL. You can define this part in the settings (Account - Settings).
Example: Your Events-Page: : https://app.quickticket. ch/o/demo
ID = demo